André Augustin Sallé
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The French sculptor André Augustin Sallé (French, 1891- 1961) lived in Boulogne-Billancourt (Hauts-de-Seine).
He studied at the Academy of Valenciennes and continued his studies at the École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts. He trained under Jules Coutan (1848-1939) and Auguste Henri Carli (1868-1939). Afterwards, he would be appointed professor of the École Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Nîmes, of the Lavoisier school and of the industrial school in Malakoff.
He received the Médaille d'honneur from the city of Paris. He won several prizes awarded by the 'Institut de France: notably the Prix Meurant, first prizes Chenavard, Doublemard and Bridant. Later, he received the "Prix du Palais de Lonchamp" and the Grand Prix Stilmann. He also obtained France's highest civilian award, the Légion d'Honneur.
In 1923, he began participating in the famous Salon des Artistes Français, of which he became an official member. He received a bronze medal in 1923, he won his first important prize - the Prix de Rome de Sculpture - with his sculpture "La Mort et le bûcheron" (Death and the woodcutter), and in 1931 he was awarded a silver medal. He stayed in Rome as a pensioner at the Villa Medicis from 1925 to 1928 and exhibited regularly at the ‘Salon d'Hiver’ from 1930 to 1947.
Sallé was a former soldier of the 87th Infantry Regiment.
Museums: Paris (Musée d’art moderne), Amiens, Valenciennes (Musée des Beaux-Arts), Laval.
Other locations: The church of Saint-Connan (Côtes d’Armor), the Cour d’Égypte, Philadelphia (USA), agencies of the PTT (Post, Telegraph & Telephone) (Rue de la Boétie, Choisy le Roi, Clichy, Beauvais, …).